What do you think of President Trump after two years in office?

Henry Carson
Jacob Rybchin, 6th Grade: I support his stance on Israel, but not much else. The wall is a stupid idea, immigration is a really complicated issue, and building a wall seems like a simple, stupid and short fix.
Finnegan Courtney
Mrs. Gina Zaleski, 7th Grade Math: I would like to see more unity than driving a wedge between the people of the country. I wish that they would work together better for the people rather than so much animosity between Republicans and Democrats.
Nick Lolis
Weston Jandruckao, 7th Grade: Trump is kind of not doing a good job. I mean, he kind of made a good wall, but like, he can’t blame every crime on illegal immigrants. I mean, Trump is Trump.
Finn Sequenzia, 6th Grade: He is no good; his plan about the wall is bad, as we don’t know how much it will pay and it will not be good for the economy because if Trump meddles, then everyone will hate Trump even more if he makes our economy worse than it already is.
Finnegan Courtney
Matthew Evans, 8th Grade: Trump is doing much better than expected, and he is pretty epic so far. I hope he continues to do what he is doing now until the end of his term.
Nick Lolis
Davi Da Silva, 6th Grade: He’s done nothing, and building the wall is pretty stupid because it’s only gonna be a couple feet high and people can still climb over it.