Fighting Over Nothing

In case you younglings don’t remember two years ago, Starbucks had actual Christmas coffee cups.
Yes, they were beautiful with snowflakes, snowmen, reindeer, and Santa. I know it’s surprising they used to have something other than that plain red cup. Man, don’t you wish they still had those? I know that some are very against Starbucks for taking away Santa and his reindeer from their morning cups of coffee.

Starbucks can be very annoying, from their infamous pumpkin spice lattes to their stupid cup sizes (I mean really do we have to say a “venti” instead of just “a large”?) and don’t get me started on their spelling. (Someone should not have to pronounce their name as A-a-ron to get the cup to have the right spelling).

The problem is that Starbuck’s replacing Christmas cups with a plain red one is not a reason to get angry because they are only trying to be open to all religions not just Christianity. A group of conservative Christians claimed that Starbucks was discriminating against them by scrapping their Christmas cups for generic holiday red ones. These protesters did not think about the other religions and how the truth was that the Christmas cups were discriminating against the other religions and Starbucks was only fixing their mistake.

What does this have to do with current events you may ask. Well, it shows that we are spending more time arguing about issues that aren’t important than we do on problems like discrimination against Syrian refugees, blacks, and LGBT members. This year alone there have been at least 440 shootings, and these are just the shootings not the number of victims in each. Syrian refugees have been seeking refugee, and in America (a country of immigrants) some are looking for a ban on them (I mean Trump supporters) when they only want to escape. We should not be paying more attention to what container holds our coffee than to the Black Lives Matter movement which has valid points, but we also can not name an entire group something only because the action of some. Not all police officers are people who will shoot and kill an innocent person.

In conclusion, one should not fight during the holidays just because of some changes to your morning coffee.

Fight during the holiday’s because your grandparents are visiting and their political views became way more conservative since Trump got elected.

P.S can I have a Double Ristretto Venti Half-Soy Nonfat Decaf Organic Chocolate Brownie Iced Vanilla Double-Shot Gingerbread Frappuccino Extra Hot With Foam Whipped Cream Upside Down Double Blended, One Sweet’N Low and One Nutrasweet, and Ice.

And Happy Holidays!