Middle Schoolers Flip Out


Teachers are flipping out.
It seems as though no matter where they look there are bottles flying through the air. The latest trend, bottle flipping, has taken middle and high schoolers across the country by storm. It’s simple: you take a bottle partially filled with water, flip it in the air, and if it lands you (and everyone else in the area) celebrate. Everyone is flipping a bottle; it’s a fun trend. Until recently, multiple times a day shouts of joy could be heard in the hallways, around the busses and cafeteria before school as students flipped their bottles.

The disruptive nature of this trend has driven teachers to go as far as banning ‘bottle games’ from the school entirely. This, and the coming and going of new trends, has lessened the number of people participating in these games; however, you can usually rely on seeing at least one flipped bottle in the strangest of places—window frames, on top of doors, tucked under stairwells. From the perspective of the students, the trend is a harmless, gratifying game. As for the faculty of the school, it’s disruptive and wasteful. For both, it has people flipping out.