On Curriculum: La Salida Buena en Espanol


This is a PSA done by Luke Roehm. It translates: ”I advise you not to smoke because smoking takes lives.”

Español es un lenguaje cada vez más que es vital para kow si usted planea viajar ot todo el mundo.

For anyone who takes Spanish at Bedford, you know that means “Spanish is a growing language that is vital to know if you plan to travel around the world.”

In the world today, 400 million people speak Spanish, and 11.6 million people in the United States speak it as well. We live amongst many Spanish speaking countries, and it’s an important language to know.
Spanish is a huge part of the World Language Department at Bedford. The school is well known for its amazing Spanish program.

The Spanish teachers value real world applications as well as good grammar and sentence structure. One of the many fun activities that students do here at Bedford is the much-loved Health PSAs.
PSAs or Public Service Announcements get to an audience with a few well worded sentences about the dangers of an issue.

In the 8th grade at Bedford, part of the fall curriculum focuses on how to express how you are hurt and how you can treat it.

The school is well known for its amazing Spanish program.

The PSAs are used to showcase the students talent to express a health issue through getting well-written sentences that are easy to understand and convey a message.

“We want students to connect Spanish to bigger ideas about health issues,” said Mrs. Maria Tombline, a Spanish teacher for grades 6 through 8. She loves this project because, in her opinion, the point of learning a language is to be able to use it in a real-world context.

Her favorite things about the winners of the project are that “They don’t have to be perfect. The students really thought about an important issue, had an image, and connected the Spanish to the issue.”

“I wanted to make an impact,” said Luke Roehm of the 8th grade. Luke made one of the winning PSA’s about how smoking causes cancer. Te aconsejo no fumar porque fumar toma vidas. This means “I advise you not to smoke because smoking takes lives.“

Luke wants to show people the horrible effects of smoking and cancer. “Smoking is one of the world’s biggest health concerns, and I know that it is a relatable topic to many people. I decided on these images because I wanted to shock and show people how bad smoking really is.”