New Dance Challenge

The “Jerusalema” dance challenge started in February of 2019 when Fenómenos do Semba, a group in Angola, Africa recorded themselves performing a dance to the hit song written by Master KG.

Almost within 24 hours, the video became viral in countries all over the world. Vietnam, Switzerland, Ireland, Austria, Morocco, even Israel’s Jerusalem itself. Apart from the original (15,000,000 views), the other most viewed video is from the Irish police force, Gardai (1,000,000 views).

The dance consists of 5 simple moves :

First, put your left foot in front of your right foot, and tap it 4 times. Then switch to your right foot in front of your left foot, and repeat the four-tap motion. Next, jump from one foot to another while staying in the same spot. Then you need to ‘bounce’ forward, walk forward four steps, then walk backwards four steps. Meanwhile, your upper-body and arms can ‘freestyle’ as the beat goes on. After completing the previous step you then turn to your left and walk backwards four steps, while still ‘freestyling’ your upper body. Then you start the whole process all over again!
Grocery workers, police officers, airlines, fire fighters, and children in schools have been participating in the challenge. 6th grade purple pod at Bedford Middle also took part.

Jerusalema went viral during the pandemic because the dance challenge showed a simple way to connect with each other and to build community, especially at a time when people were in need of these possibilities.