Exploring Identity One Day And One Person at a Time

“Every Day” is now a popular series published by Random House

“Every Day” is now a popular series published by Random House

A. That is what the main character in the book “Every Day” by David Levithan calls itself.
Yes, itself.

A isn’t really sure what gender he/she is, or what he/she really looks like.

The protagonist wakes up in a different body every day, with a different life that they borrow.
In the first book of this fascinating series, the reader follows A as they bring the reader through A’s day to day life following their new love for a girl by the name Rhiannon, whom the reader meets at the beginning of the book.

Throughout A’s life they have made a rule for themself not to mess up or change the lives of the bodies they inhabit. A starts to question that rule when they meets Rhiannon.

Rhiannon is like no person A has ever met. A first discovers her when they inhabit the body of Justin, Rhiannon’s boyfriend. In A’s opinion Justin does not appreciate Rhiannon’s beautiful and kind personality. As A switches bodies they desperately try to get Rhiannon to love their personality no matter what body they’re is in.

As we read the book, we were amazed by the different types of lives A borrowed, and how fast A had to adjust to them. As you read through the book, you learn more about A’s past through the bodies they inhabit and why A is who A is.

During the whole book you often have questions swirling in your head: Why does A wake up in a different body? Will A and Rhiannon ever be able to get together? A’s whole mystery is fascinating , and leaves you daydreaming about how the book is going to turn out. A is an interesting character in theirself.