The Hate U Give Reaches 190 Weeks on The New York Times Bestsellers List

The Hate U Give Reaches 190 Weeks on The New York Times Bestsellers List

The Hate U Give by Angie Thomas has been on the New York Times Bestsellers list for over 190 weeks, but why? 

The Hate U Give is a well known banned book. An article from says, “In late 2017, The Hate U Give was banned by school officials in Katy, Texas, where it was challenged for ‘inappropriate language.’” I can say that the book is meant for a more mature audience that has a good understanding of racism. Even though we are only in middle school, I do believe reading this book would be a good learning opportunity for Bedford students. 

After Starr witnesses her best friend Khalil get killed by a police officer, her life turns upside down. Everyone wants to know what really went down that night, and only Starr can answer that terrible question. Now, this brings me back to why this book has been on the New York Times Bestsellers list for over 3 years.

Our world has always faced racism, and when this book was published in 2017, the topic was relevant, and today as I write this, the topic is relevant. Sixth grader Sophie Whitestone shared her thoughts: “We should all be aware of the important issue that is racism. White people should realize their privilege. There should be more books like this.” The Black Lives Matter movement is an example of a movement striving for change, trying to educate others mainly through social media about racism. I recommend this book to you, so that you can see through Starr Carters eyes and possibly see from a new point of view that teaches you about the challenges of being a girl of color in America.