BMS Running Club Takes its First Steps

Bedford teachers run after school for fun and for health.  Next year a club is in the plans to get middle schoolers running and enjoying these benefits as well.

Photo by Shivali kanthan

Bedford teachers run after school for fun and for health. Next year a club is in the plans to get middle schoolers running and enjoying these benefits as well.

Of the many clubs at BMS, many include non-physical activities like art, gardening, rocketry, music, and much more. But when it comes to physical activity, there’s a little less to choose from, and currently, there’s only intramurals after school which rotates between sports every little while.

As many students have noticed, running is a big part of Westport athletics—the Staples Cross Country team that runs past the school on May afternoons and the various track activities at Staples are two examples.

What’s could be added is a middle school running club.

This absence of a team has lead 8th Grade Red Pod Science teacher Colleen Rondon and a group of other middle school teachers to try and add a middle school running club to the after-school activities kids and teachers could do.

And for good reason too. Numerous studies have linked running to better health in individuals of all ages and levels of ability. The goal of the club is to prepare students for a lifetime of running and good exercise habits.

“The goal is to get kids to be able to eventually run the Minuteman (a 5k run in Westport),” said Mrs. Rondon. “But running really is a lifelong habit,” she added, meaning that the club’s goal is also to establish long-lasting healthy routines in students at Bedford.

The club also promotes self-improvement, as students would work to improve their own performances with every meeting, which for students and the teachers that run, is the ultimate goal of the club. “People can also join for fun, to just run and have fun with friends. Run for the for fun,” Mrs. Rondon said. “It’s not always about speed.

The club will be run through intramurals, and will start in the fall of the 2019-2020 school year.

The club will be open to the all grade members of the newly combined BMS and CMS communities.