One-to-one Computing Comes to BMS
Chromebooks help bring more tech to the classroom.
One-to-one computing. which means the Westport district is giving all students laptop computers, has begun with sixth graders and will spread to the other grades later in the year.
The 2016-17 One-To-One Chromebook Initiative was started by the District towards the end of the last school year. It’s main goal: give Chromebooks to BMS students.
Now, why was 6th grade the first to get them and why do the seventh and eighth graders not get them until possibly the end of the school year? The decision came from head of technology for the district Mrs. Natalie Carrignan.
Accroding to social studies teacher Ms. Jessica Aysseh, she thinks its all about establishing a new routine. “Sixth graders aren’t used to having a personal computer, and they want to start a routine with 6th grade,” said Aysseh. She reports that the 6th graders love having their own computers.
But with new computers have come some challenges. Mrs. Kelly Zatorsky, who ends up helping kids with their computers a lot has seen things like dropping the Chromebooks, not being able to log in at home or the Chromebook dying from lack of battery power.. The LMC has a lot of sixth graders asking “Can we borrow a charger?” or “I dropped my Chromebook. ”
Even though One-to-One computing has had some rough patches at the beginning, many 6th grade students love the Chromebooks.
Owen Evans, a sixth grader in Red Pod, said he is enjoying learning with the device and the device itself. “I think the Chromebooks are good, because I like learning on them instead of a textbook. I find the Chromebooks useful, they help me find my homework.”