Tryouts for Roald Dahl’s “Witches”
Looking like the line outside of a “American Idol,” 6th graders with their 8th grade director coaches rehearsed lines before going in and auditioning in the auditorium for this spring’s play.
On Tuesday Jan. 11, sixth graders were lining up to get a good part in the Bedford’s sixth grade play. This year, the Bedford Acting Group is putting on the performance of Roald Dahl’s “The Witches.”
The Ursus members interviewed some of these actors auditioning for the play. One of them was a girl named Vivian Coda. She’s hoping to get a good part; she hopes that she gets mouse Bruno. The majority of the kids auditioning practice by constantly repeating their lines.
In the crowd of people, there were a couple of eighth graders in the group. For the sixth grade plays, experienced eighth graders are asked if they would like to be a student director. Student Directors have the job of helping the actors with their lines and movements.
” I want to gain experience and help others,” said actor Shay Baker.