Who is she?

We asked 10 “Coke or Pepsi” questions to this BMS staff member. the questions might give you some insights into who this person is. The questions themselves can be hints as well. Using the answers and the picture, try to figure out who this month’s mystery staff member is.
Mesopotamia or the Roman Empire?
The Roman Empire. More cultured
Recess duty or lunch duty?
Recess duty, I much prefer to get outside
Upstairs or downstairs?
Upstairs, I have the best view in the building
Ghana, Mali, or Songhai?
Mali because it had all the riches
Mac or PC?
I only know PC
Fiction or nonfiction?
Fiction, I love reading novels
Numbers or letters?
Letters, I’m much more interested in language than math
The Red Zone or The Black Zone?
The Green Zone, there was no fighting
Read aloud or silent reading?
Read aloud, this makes reading a social activity