The Twists and Turns of Directing a Play

Have you ever thought about all the work being put in behind the scenes of a play and who puts their soul into the job and makes all the decisions?
It’s the director of the play.
A director is the leader of the play whose job is to lead the actors and crew in the right direction. The director is the brains of the play who is very important and needs high levels of organization and patience. Bringing a play from the page to the stage is a maze of challenges.
According to an article on tips to direct a play by Pioneer Drama, “A director is, in many ways, a coordinator and facilitator. Bringing together the many different strands of a play production requires a fair amount of pre-planning and organization.”
Every play has a director. Sometimes it is our own teachers. Our school play “Annie” has Ryan Smith and Mrs. Karen Mccormick working as directors.
They not only have to pay attention to the actors and tell them what to do and whatnot, but they have to lead the tech/stage crew too.
Lights, spotlights, sounds, props, and sets are all an important part of the play, and to make sure the actors and crew members understand what they’re supposed to be doing, the director has to help.
The actors and crew understand the struggles of a director because they see them working every day.
For a director, there is never “no work lef.t” They always have to be doing something. One first step is to find a suitable crew and suitable actors. The second job is to teach and help them improve. The third and final step is to have fun and support the team while they perform.
You also have to be highly skilled and organized to do this job. Because you are the leader, if you mess up, the whole team will be off task too. You have to be patient as well. There will be times when someone won’t know how to do something and while teaching them, you have to be patient.
Need tips?
“Get started as early as possible, get a lot of good people to help you,” said Mrs. Mccormick. Also, treat your cast with a lot of respect and kindness because they are also working hard and trying their best to make the play as good as possible.