Thanksgiving Is a Time for Thinking of Others

After Thanksgiving break, students probably came back to school and asked their friends, “What did you do over break?”

“Ursus” decided to ask that question, but dig a little deeper and ask what people were thankful for, but to then explain why.

6th grader Ali Chodash said, “I went to my grandparent’s house and saw my family. I played with my adorable baby cousins, and I’m thankful for the wonderful teachers and education at Bedford because other people might not have such a wonderful opportunity.”

Other students that I interviewed were also thankful for their education at Bedford, but most were thankful for their family. When they think about it, students realize how lucky they are and appreciate what they have.

“I saw my family and a few family friends, and I put up the Christmas tree with them. I am thankful for my family, and everyone else who helped me put up that tree because I know they work just as hard as I do,” Keri Jockers, 6th grade teacher said. Like she explained, even the little things, like going to a friend’s house after a long day and helping them do something, no matter what it is, is something to be thankful for. Everyday, people sacrifice time, money, and kindness for other people.

7th grader, Grace Horton said, “Over thanksgiving, I had my cousins and family friends over to my house. I’m really thankful for everyone who’s serving us overseas, and my gymnastics team who has always been their for me.” Like Grace, I think it is a great thing to think of people who might not be right next to you, either. People who support you, your country, and your group(s) can mean the world, too.
8th grader, Sydney Greenberg said, “I had a lot of family over for Thanksgiving. I am thankful for music, because it really relaxes me, and calms me down. It takes me out of the busy, stressful, real world and gives me a chance to just get away for a bit.” Even while she was being interviewed, she was nodding to the beat coming out of her earbuds. Even things you can’t see like music and fun are good things to be thankful for.

Now I hope you see why Thanksgiving is not just a time when you cook like crazy, see your family, and stuff yourself. It’s a time of appreciation, thanks, and love. Even though, between words of thanks, you might want to fork a bit of turkey into your mouth. You’re with your family. The food won’t last on the table for long!